
Record Sleeves (Printable)

  If you don't have a color printer no problem! I've included a template sheet so you can get creative and make one of kind records and sleeves out of scrap papers you have laying around! Supplies - Printable  - Glue  - Scissors - (Optional) Scrap card stock or magazines. Instructions Print and cut out your pages, check against sizing block for printing accuracy. Pre-fold your sleeve for easier gluing. If using template, glue template to your choice of paper, then fold at the lines. Glue your tabs and fold the sleeve closed. Let dry before inserting records. (Optional step) Add tape over the printable to make it glossy. Follow Along Video : Coming soon Download Printable  Sleeve & Record Template | Printable Sleeves | Printable Records

3d Printing Freebie : Embroidery Hoop Frame

I created a basic frame to use with 7" Embroidery hoops. I am using it specifically to display my pins, you can use it however you like. If you want to download the file for yourself to print, head over to the FTC Thingiverse page to get the files needed for printing.  I'll be working hard on keeping a continued presence here if no where else. Videos are just getting too hard to plan and execute before my attention span dwindles and it sits for months on end. Maybe I will look into tricks for maximizing editing time?

End of Year Wrap Up.

I've been sick of the last month. I'm okay, nothing bad just persisting evil painful sinus infection that refuses to go away. SO it's kinda put a stop on all creative endeavors. But I have been thinking about my major projects for next year. I'll be revealing those plans in January, but I am already working on the outlines to make it all happen.(And a few long term projects that are still sitting in the unreleased queue) Guess I should think of my new years resolutions while I'm at it!   Merry Christmas! See you all in 2025!

October Wrap Up

 Well I was low activity online in October. But oh boy was I busy. I made a interactive table prop for a school event, a costume, finished a cross-stitch project, made a pin board, and a doll prop that I plan to make a tutorial for. I'm just doing repeat version of the prop to iron out all the possible failure points. I am also working on printable variations for the prop as I work on the tutorial as well. But that stuff isn't done yet. I posted the printable for my project. And I plan to add the variations. But if you are looking at this in the future the post is hopefully all done, variations included, and it doesn't have a "preview unavailable" picture.  Here's to hoping I can keep up with wrap ups and motivation to keep sharing what I get up to.

Tome Filler Pages (Printable)

[Insert clever coming soon description stuff here.] Supply List: Coming soon. Instructions: Coming soon Follow Along Video : Coming soon   Basically you are on your own until I can complete the other printable.   Download Printable

August Wrap Up

I'm going to call 2 posts and 1 video in August a success since most of 2024 has been silence for me. I'm hoping to keep up this momentum, but only time will tell as usual. Halloween is coming up and I'm not planning anything media wise. I just don't have the energy to spread myself that thin. But I do aim to keep the spooky spirit going and if I do have anything to share I'll post it here first as this is the easiest medium to keep updated. Things I'm working on right now though? Sharing my new means of keeping my doll outfits organized. I'll be posting about it soon, but still working through actually organizing stuff. I spent 45 minutes on it today and am still not done. *sigh* I have a few other patterns to digitize so I can finish my Get the Look page for my pumpkin gal. And I also have to come up with a name for her. And I also am chipping away at the pattern follow along for the simple dress. I even have some footage for the next Junk Transformations ...

Study in Doll Clothes, Hemming.

Doll clothes are a pain. Turning hems in tight spaces are even worse. I've been largely unhappy with my sloppy hem jobs at the neckline, so I've been dabbling in ways to improve them. Most of the methods listed I am specifically references the neck area in ease of use or not. Other places are easier to hem, but I'm trying to make doll clothing as painless as possible for others to join in. And if I, a self-proclaimed 'expert' sewer, hates neck lines what do beginners think?   Method 1: Bias Tape While bias tape is an easy go to at any store that sells sewing materials, and yes it comes in many pre-made sizes. I don't really like bias tape, not for doll making that is. If you are making yourself clothes! It saves you so much trouble. But back to the original point. For doll clothes it adds far too much stiffness and bulk regardless of which bias tape you pick. This really should be on the last of the list as I dislike it the most but it is the most readily availa...